Hello and Welcome to Evoke 2006!
Wherever the scene train might head, catch it at Evoke 2006 – this year's scene railway station! For our passengers there are many destinations: You can take a ride on the competition route and surf the high-speed rails of technology, take the slow train and have a beer with friends or just chill out and watch the trains go by.
Just like last year we will party in a great location: The Vulkanhalle is a stylish former industry building, situated pretty close to the central city of Cologne. It provides us with enough space (for parking as well), and we are sure that you'll like it.
We will have an interesting range of compos, making it possible for sceners from almost every platform to present their stuff. Also we will take care to provide you with that unique athmosphere Evoke is known and loved for.
We will take care to make it a cozy stay!
Evoke Express
Aug 26 – The quick portraits done at the Evoke for the "Evoke Express" project are finally online! Thanks to anyone for participating in the project.
Aug 15 – To make the next edition of Evoke even better we would like to encourage you to write us some words about what you liked and disliked about Evoke 2006. Thanks a lot in advance!
Aug 15 – Evoke 2006 is over. Thank you for making it a wonderful party!
Like the last years we set up an after party page, where you can find a results, releases, articles, photos and more on Evoke 2006.
See you at Buenzli, the Ultimate Meeting, Breakpoint or Evoke X.
Results & Releases
Aug 13 – Heya. Organizers start getting back to their homes... Thanks to everyone for the great party! Results are available here. Releases will follow shortly.
Update: Releases are available from scene.org
Runaway train?
Aug 09 – Somehow ended on a holding track? Got stuck in a dead end? All out of locomotion? In case you got astray (oh. that would have worked in German, only) during your trip to Evoke: Call our friendly hotline at:
+49-163-39 EVK 2006
They will try to help you out and get you to your destination station: Evoke 2006.