welcomeHello and welcome, fellow scene astronauts!For the eighth time, we're getting ready to celebrate the coziest demoparty with you. Evoke 2005, your demoscene space odyssey is going to take place in Cologne on August 26th to 28th, so buckle up and step into the cockpit! We have found a really great location for this year. The Vulkanhalle is a stylish former industry building, situated pretty close to the central city of Cologne. It provides us with enough space (for parking as well), and we are sure that you'll like it. We will have an interesting range of compos, making it possible for sceners from almost every platform to present their stuff. Also we will take care to provide you with that unique athmosphere Evoke is known and loved for. Rush through wormholes on your hyper speed rockets at Evoke! Demoscene.tv reportThe guys from demoscene.tv made a really nice report of Evoke 2005. Itīs available as a 365mb divx-file. Go download :) sep 19 After party online
Evoke is over, space station closed :( aug 29 Evoke on demoscene.tvFor those of you, who canīt make it to Evoke: take a look at demoscene.tv. They are streaming the event into the internet. aug 27 PCs as PrizesWhy should we break with old traditions? For the third year in a row Intel provides us with two of their latest and greatest CPUs. This year the CPUs will be embedded into a Shuttle XPC SB81P. Participate in the 64k- or the Demo-Compo and win one of the two PCs. aug 25 Your own custom t-shirt
Hail, fellow astronauts! Do you need new spacesuits? Order and get them directly at Evoke! Our friend Topy44 will offer superduper custom-made high quality t-shirts, printed directly at the partyplace! Get your nick, groupname, or anything else you want to have printed on a t-shirt! aug 24 |