Evoke 2005
welcome /


Demoscene.tv report

The guys from demoscene.tv made a really nice report of Evoke 2005. It´s available as a 365mb divx-file. Go download :)

sep 19

After party online

Evoke is over, space station closed :(

You can find a linked result file, articles, photos and more in the after party section.

See you at tUM, Breakpoint and Evoke 2006!

aug 29

Evoke on demoscene.tv

For those of you, who can´t make it to Evoke: take a look at demoscene.tv. They are streaming the event into the internet.

aug 27

PCs as Prizes

Why should we break with old traditions? For the third year in a row Intel provides us with two of their latest and greatest CPUs. This year the CPUs will be embedded into a Shuttle XPC SB81P. Participate in the 64k- or the Demo-Compo and win one of the two PCs.

aug 25

Your own custom t-shirt

Hail, fellow astronauts! Do you need new spacesuits? Order and get them directly at Evoke! Our friend Topy44 will offer superduper custom-made high quality t-shirts, printed directly at the partyplace! Get your nick, groupname, or anything else you want to have printed on a t-shirt!
And don't forget to bring your custom logos with you, preferably as vector images.

aug 24

Hungry astronauts

Racing millions of miles through distant space competing with the others will make you hungry. If you like to boost yourself up with astronaut nutrition like a fine space schnitzel, moon rolls, chili con mars or some stuff for the venus vegetarians you wouldn't have to leave you rocket. At Evoke 2005 we will have a catering service, where you can buy a large veriety of food and cooled soft drinks (except during moon time from 0200 till 0900).

aug 24

10th Room - Bring your own small videos!

We offer you another little different possibility be a party of Evoke 2005! The interactive video installation "10th Room" will exhibited during the event.

The installment offers a variety of possibilities of group-interactivity, including the contribution of your own, approx. 15 seconds long, video clips. The contributions will then be immidiately incorporated into the installation and presented to the interacting audience!

Bring your favorite, self-made, remixed videos and become a part of it! The only demands are:

  • The videos must be creative!
  • The videos and must not violate good taste, the law and copyright issues. Content of the Public Domain (PD) and some forms of the Creative Commons (CC) licenses as well as your very own graphical experiments, scenes or previews and/or b-side material of your past (demoscene) releases are warmly welcome!
  • The video must not (but can) include an audio track. However, only the video track will be incorprated.
  • The video should not be longer than approx. 15 seconds.
  • The video shoud be in .AVI-format and encoded with a standard codec such as DivX™ 3/4/5, Intel™ Indeo 4.5 and other common codecs are fine, too.
The installation is being developed by three demoscene-aware individuals at the laboratories of the Chair of Mediadesign at the Dresden University of Technology.

aug 24

Demoscene on (real) TV

This year we will be able to give you the all-around multi-media demo-scene ex-perience. The nice folks of demoscene.tv will be around to show a full live broadcast of the party with some promised "surprises", and they teamed up with NetCologne to provide us with several hours of Evoke demoshow from past and present on NetColognes very own cable-TV station. So if you are in bed in your hotel and can't find sleep or happen to live around Cologne, turn on your TV sets. Check wether you can tune in to the "NetCologne InfoKanal". And watch some demos (from "the party that never sleeps") before then finally falling asleep.

Big thanks to the demoscene.tv and NetCologne people.

aug 22

Travelling information [Update]

We put up several piece of information on how to spacetravel to Evoke. Find a more detailed description on how to get to the location by (space-)train and the last few meters on foot (in your moonboots) as well as a general overview on how to reach Cologne by (supersonic) car. Then check out the photo guide that will lead you to the location the last few space-miles off the interstellar highway. Finally take a look at the fresh detailed maps from around the wormhole.

aug 12

Evoke Invitation Intro

The official Evoke 2oo5 Invitation Intro has just been released at Assembly. Race through space in 4k. Download and comment it at pouet.
Thank you very much 0ok, Black Maiden and Ümlaüt Design for making such a nice invtro.

jul 30

Theme Song Remix Compo

The Theme Song Remix Compo is our latest addition to our fabolous compo lineup. Download the samplepack and start right away with your very own version of the Evoke 2005 Theme Song.

jul 29

ACiD sponsors ansi/ascii compo

Evoke is known for various things - amongst these the party's textmode art scene roots, which we celebrate year for year by organizing the ansi/ascii competition. To honor that, the legendary US ansi group ACiD sponsors this year's textmode graphics compo with some copies of the Dark Domain DVD. Get yourself together and participate, and maybe be the lucky owner of over 4GB of ansi/ascii art! Remember, the ansi/ascii compo is the only one where you can also participate without being at the party.

jul 26


A (preliminary) timetable listing all compos and deadlines is online. Not that many changes compared to last year, though.

jul 24

If you are younger than 18...

...then please note that because of legal issues, we can not let you into the party place without a declaration of consent filled out by your parents. Please get in touch with us and we'll provide you with the necessary info.

jul 24

Combined Ticket

Two parties, two towns, two weekends. Buenzli and Evoke make it possible: Having two successive weekends of party. Winterthur and Köln, Switzerland and Germany, Buenzli and Evoke.

With the combined ticket, you save some bucks on the entrance fee of both parties! Team up with all those people that visit Buenzli as well as Evoke, having two great weekends among their friends.

The Buenzli and Evoke combined ticket costs you EUR 42.- and can be bought at the doorway of Buenzli, 19.20.21 August 2005 and is still valid one week later, at Evoke, 26.27.28. August 2005.

Register yourself to Buenzli and Evoke now!

jul 12

Freak out!

Ever wondered who made the first demos? Who was the first to crack a game, or who invented the beautiful effects seen in nowadays' demos? When and how was the scene born, and who were the first pioneers to pave the road to nowadays' superproductions? You will find the answer to all these question in the soon to be published book FREAX. Buy your copy of FREAX at Evoke 2oo5 or win it in one of our competitions.

jul 11

Come to Evoke by Mietbuszentrale

If you are coming to Evoke from somewhere in Germany you might want to use the service of the new "Mietbuszentrale". They offer trips across Germany for as low as 9,- Euro. All you need to do is to register at their webpage and hope that there are enough people who would like to travel the same route. (Thanks Matthias for letting us know)

jun 23

Support by linking

Our banner system is back online, and this your chance to help and win. Put our banner on to your website and win some fabulous prizes! Details may be found here.

jun 23

Evoke 2oo5 Theme Song

He did it again. Netpoet will shorten your wait for evoke with his marvelous theme "Favorite Astronaut". Go get it and listen to it all day long. [download]

jun 21

Long Distance Discount

Those who will have to travel more than 700km to get to Evoke may qualify for a long distance discount. In order to get this discount, you will have to apply for it in advance. Please use the contact formular (choose category 'long distance discount') to do so.

jun 15

Entrance Fee

Finally we can announce that the entrance fee for Evoke 2005 will stay as low as 20€. Please note that we will take only Euro currency and that we don't sell any single day tickets.

jun 15

Travel Info

We added some information how to reach Evoke by plane, especially for our foreign friends. And if you need a comfortable bed, check the hotel section.

jun 11

No idea how to get to Cologne? Place left in your car?

The page for offering and asking for a lift to Evoke has just opened. Whether you are looking for a place in a car or have a place left on your group ticket on the train to Cologne, register yourself here and enjoy a nice "Trip to the Party" with fellow sceners.

jun 09

Evoke 2005 website launch

Finally the Evoke 2005 website is launched at www.evoke2005.net! You can already get some general location info and register yourself if you're thinking about coming. Also, the compo rules are already online, so you can start planning your entries.
Travel instructions and other info will come up here really soon, so you should check the page regularly to stay tuned about Evoke 2005.

jun 05


last years website is still available at 2004.evoke-net.de -- in addition there is the evoke archive at archive.evoke-net.de

may 30

RSS Feed

A rss-feed containing all news from Evoke is also available. Take a look at http://www.evoke2005.net/rss.xml

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