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This page will feature hostels and hotels in Cologne, for those of you who would like to sleep in a confortable bed.

  • Station - Hostel for Backpackers
    The station hostels in Cologne seem to be the cheapest solution (e.g. you get a room with 5 beds for 80 € / night). You should prefer the second house, as it is much closer to the Evoke location. In addition it features a nice club, called "station bar" which is said to be the location for some of the colscene meetings. You will need about 15 minutes to get to the Evoke partyplace.

  • Youth hostel in Cologne-Deutz
    Pretty close to last years location is this modern youth hostel. Prices are about 20 € / night. You will need about 5-10 minutes to get to the Evoke partyplace.

  • NH Hotel
    A newly-built hotel at the opposite side of the river Rhine. A room with two separate beds costs 64 € / night. You will need about 15-20 minutes to get to the partyplace.

  • Panorama Hotel Cologne
    This hotel is close to the location, but not very cheap. A single-bed room costs 67 € / night, room with two beds 97 € / night, breakfast included. You will need about 5 minutes to get to the partyplace.

  • Camping
    In the mood for camping? There is a camping ground not too far from the party place. The prices are as following (for one day): 4,50 € / person + 2,50 € for setting up a small tent (bring your own) + 2 € for car parking. The adress is: Städtischer Familienzeltplatz, Weidenweg 46, 51105 Köln-Poll. You don't need to reserve your camping spot, you can just show up there. If you need more info, you can call them at +49-221-831966. You will need about 15 minutes to get to the partyplace.

aug 30 After-party section!
aug 29 results available!
aug 25 ATI sponsors Evoke 2004
aug 25 party hotline
aug 22 cold beer for sale! [updated^2]

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