Wherever you come from, make sure you end up on Kreuz Köln-Süd (A555/A4).
Turn into direction "Bayenthal". This direction has its own lanes from all possible directions, you can't get this wrong.
You will end up on a road with 3 lanes driving towards a roundabout.
Take the lane "Zentrum/Rheinufer", it makes you turn right just ahead of the roundabout.
After driving 1.5 km you will reach a left turn with traffic lights and see the rhine.
Now you have two possibilities:
- park your car (if you do not have lots of equipment with you)
- drive directly to the location
Turn hard right for free parking. Look for this sign pointing to the free parking lot:
To get to the location from the parking lot, use train line 16 to "Ubierring".
Directly to the location
Continue to drive along the shore of the river rhine to get to the location.
About 3 km after the roundabout you will pass the Süd-Brücke.
U-turn as soon as possible after it.
After the U-turn turn right at the first legal possible occasion (into "Maternus Strasse").
Take the second chance to turn left. (Or the first, called "Claudiusstrasse", if you have nothing to carry and just want to park your car. The parking is not free here!).
You will reach a roundabout. You need to turn left, so drive almost all the way around it before turning right ("Titusstraße").
After 200 meters or so the street will turn right. Stop and unload your equipment here, try to park as close as possible.
Congrationlations! The rest is a walk in the park.