A demoparty without sponsors is not possible.
Intel believes in innovation. They're driven by it. They live by it. And it's this principle that led them to create the world's first microprocessor back in 1971.
Today, Intel is behind everything from the fastest processor in the world to the cables that power high-speed Internet. They keep innovating because it's in their blood. Because it's part of their heritage. And because the technology they invent today will shape the world's future.
PNY Europe
PNY Technologies started its activity in 1985 in New Jersey manufacturing and selling and penetrating with a complete range of Memory products devolved to a full-scale manufacturer of a broad mix of Memory, Graphics and peripheral products.
To expand its business the company acquired a facility in France in 1994 to supply to the European market, PNY also has several sales offices in Europe (Germany France UK).
It's the german sales office that supports this years Evoke.
Native Instruments
A premium music software firm creating sounds for all sorts of desires from the sound synthesis, the sampling, the effect, and the DJ side of view, sponsoring us with money and prizes!
Divineo.de is a mailorder specialized on console hardware and accessoirs as well as other small electronic equipment. The company operates in six different countries and does its best to get the freshest stuff from the US and the Far East. Divineo.de is the proud sponsor of Evoke's console demo compo.
Satis & Fy
Satis & Fy is one of the leading companies in Europe for the planning and technical implementation of professional events. The headquarters of the company are in Frankfurt am Main, Amsterdam and Honolulu.
Terratec sponsors us with three hardware accessories from their new "Producer" product line. These big prizes for Evoke's music compos will definitely be worth competing, so come on in and enter your songs!
Everybody should know the Mindcandy DemoDVD project by now, an ambitious project bringing the best demos on DVD compilations. The first part, containing PC demos, was a great success, now they're working on a sequel featuring Amiga demos.
Dieses Unternehmen führt die Planung technischer Gebäudeausrüstungen (Gas, Wasser, Abwasser und Feuerlöschtechnik; Wärmeversorgung und Raumlufttechnik sowie Elektrotechnik und Netzwerkplanung) aus und unterstützt Evoke mit Geldzuwendungen.
M7 Kunst&Medien Buchhandlung
M7 supports the competions with some nice additional prizes. They gave us some great illustrated books.
ProNetworks is a company specialized in rental and sales of computer network devices for both commercial enterprises, internet providers and lanparty events, as well as sales for consumers. With their stock of over 2,700 (mostly switched) network ports in total and over 1,350 10/100 Mbps network ports, they're capable of providing you exact that kind of network equipment you require.
reFX is a producer of very good and affordable VST plugins, and they support our music compos.
No matter if it is an authentic 303 sound, an authentic C64 squeak, or other synthesizers you're looking for. reFX has the solution for you!
You know by now that Renoise is THE new generation tracker, right? If not, you should! Not only is it a brilliant way to make your musical creativity room; these guys also support our competitions!
If you or your company want to support this fine event in any way possible, simply get in touch with us for further information.
Evoke is organized by Digitale Kultur e.V. The association aims at supporting the demoscene with a special focus on activities in the Cologne area.