There will be a live performance by:
Debug a.k.a. cTrix

cTrix is an Australian composer who has been writing Amiga tunes since 1992. In 1997 he migrated to a sequencing workstation and started playing live sets on radio and at rave parties in Melbourne. One fateful afternoon his trusty MC-909 refused to boot so he brushed the dust off his tracking software and has never looked back since. With a phat and funky breaks/house style, his tunes are played directly from the outputs of 2 Commodore Amiga's into a mixer and stright into the speakers to form a RAW in-your-face sound. Expect oldskool 90's vokal rave, buzzing glitched-breaks, banging psytrance crossed with metal and a few ST-xx samples thrown in for good measure.
Read and listen about cTrix's
aug 29 | ascii entry forgotten |
aug 06 | Housewarming over |
aug 02 | T-Shirt reprint |
aug 02 | Larrabee Seminar Aftermath |
aug 01 | The party live on |