SATURDAY (continued)
1500 Deadline: Ansi, Multichannel, Raytraced, 64k-Intro
1700 Ansi
1800 Multichannel
1900 Raytraced-Graphics
2000 64k-Intro
2100 Deadline: Pixel, Demo, Wild
2300 Pixeled-Graphics
0000 Demo
0130 Wild
1000 Voting-Deadline
1200 Pricegiving Ceremony
Finally we managed to set up a timetable, which looks quite a lot like the one from last year. Doors might open a little bit earlier but don´t rely on that information, please.
1800 Doors open
2000 Opening Ceremony
2200 Deadline: MP3
0000 MP3
1000 Deadline: ASCII, 4Channel, 4k-Intro
1200 ASCII
1300 4Channel
1400 4k-Intro